When you are unable to accurately research and determine what color a B&W object should be, how do you select the color?

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Tudo, na verdade! Como é o seu processo de pesquisa pra fazer seu trabalho? Qual técnica você utiliza para dar mais vida as imagens? Utiliza algum tipo de tecnologia de inteligência artificial?

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Do you make different versions of an image and later decide which one to publish?

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I would love to know how you make your images come together at the end of the process. Do you apply any photo filters, adjust the colour balance, or play around with the hue/saturation of certain elements to get a better, more natural end result? Or do you simply trust yourself to get it right when colouring everything in the first place?

Also, I would love to know if you have any first hand experience in dealing with the rights of images used in your books, in Billie etc. Have you personally ever had to get clearances on images? If so, how was that process?

I am making a short documentary by myself which relies heavily on the use of old stills, so I am very interested to know if you have any advice with regards to my latter question.

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With so many photos around, how do you prioritise which to work from? Is it from a particular country, era, etc?

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