Marina, your work enables a deeper dimension on imagination. Old photos and records have always moved me, but seeing them through your lens completely transform and enrich the trip. I've been following you for years and here I am, in yet another unexpected morning, smiling impressed. Thank you for taking us through the past with such affection. I'm very inspired by your work and can't wait for what else to come!
What’s my favorite thing about these old photos?
Imagining myself being there, walking through, explore the surroundings, starting a conversation with someone, etc.
Marina, your work enables a deeper dimension on imagination. Old photos and records have always moved me, but seeing them through your lens completely transform and enrich the trip. I've been following you for years and here I am, in yet another unexpected morning, smiling impressed. Thank you for taking us through the past with such affection. I'm very inspired by your work and can't wait for what else to come!
I got very curious about the "Hunyadi János Constipation" sign and found this blog that explained it:
This is so cool! Thank you.