Welcome to The Colour of Time
I won’t talk about mad rats here, unless they are involved in a historical event.
When I was 4 years old, I wrote a story about a family of rats who could not stand each other. I know, you'd expect a kid to write a lovely story about happy teddy bears or something like that, but at least the baby rats were cute (I drew them too - one of them had a rubber duck pajamas).
I’m telling you this random, silly story just to say that I've always loved writing. As I ended up falling in love with a profession that requires me to use more of my visual than my writing abilities, I've had few opportunities to do that over the years - but now that's changed, because this newsletter exists.
I won’t talk about mad rats here, unless they are involved in a historical event. It’s a place for us to share, interact and have fun.
Here, the community we have created over the years, which I hope will continue growing, will have an even better space to talk about what we love most: history and art. And coffee. Books. Sometimes dogs.
It’s not only about me sharing my work, but also about us learning together.
Welcome! I hope you enjoy the ride.
Marina x
Que bom Marina!!! VIVA!! mais um caminho a percorrer!!! Sejamos como todos nossos ancestrais!!! Arte...Historia...Conversas!! #SomosUm... Vc deve saber né ... os ratos e “nozes”, os humanos, partilhamos de 97% do mesmo DNA!!! “Conhece a ti mesmo”
Okay but I’m really into the pajama rats idea