Nikola Tesla, 1899.
Despite being one of the world's greatest geniuses, Tesla was never able to transform his numerous inventions and innovations into long-term financial success
Ask a youngster – or virtually anybody – about “Tesla”, and they will most likely tell you how amazing it must be to drive one (or how much they despise or idolize Elon Musk). If you are one those who love electric cars, you have the guy whose name everyone repeats today to thank for: Nikola Tesla - the Serbian-American inventor and engineer who made dozens of breakthroughs in the production, transmission and application of electric power.
Despite being one of the world's greatest geniuses, Tesla was never able to transform his numerous inventions and innovations into long-term financial success.
Here’s a quick overview of his story until the point where the photo I’d like to share with you today was taken, plus some recommended reading at the end if you’d like to read more about his extraordinary (and somewhat sad) life.